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People should consider doing boudoir photography because it is a powerful way to celebrate and embrace their own bodies, boosting self-confidence and body positivity. Boudoir sessions provide an opportunity to feel empowered and beautiful, capturing intimate and artistic images that showcase one's unique beauty and personality. These sessions can be a form of self-expression and self-love, allowing individuals to see themselves in a new, flattering light. Additionally, boudoir photos can be a meaningful and personal gift for a partner, celebrating intimacy and connection in a relationship. Ultimately, boudoir photography is about embracing oneself with confidence and pride, creating lasting memories that can be cherished forever.

Female Boudoir
Male Boudir
UV Paint Boudior



  • 2 outfits

  • 2 1/2 hour session 

    • Includes Hair & Makeup

  • 15 Digital images

  • Online Gallery


Print Package


  • 25 digital images

  • 3 hr session

    • includes hair & makeup​

  • 2 outfit

  • 8x8 16 page photobook

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